
Anti-smoking laws need more teeth

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I read with interest the Glendale News-Press front-page article, “City keeps its A on report,” on Jan. 17. It is positive news that our city has taken a stand for a smoke-free environment and that there is public recognition for this accomplishment.

However, what has been established by ordinance is not what happens in the city. Within half a mile of my residence, there are six businesses whose customers and owner/employees frequently smoke on the sidewalk right in front of the buildings. Two of these businesses are eating establishments that have taken sidewalk space for seating. Both have customers who sit and smoke, so that anyone walking by has to breathe in cigarette smoke.

The most egregious of the six businesses is a computer fix-it store right next door to a popular ice cream store. I have seen up to five people standing in front of the computer store smoking. Families with children going to the ice cream store are forced to walk through a wall of smoke. The computer store even has a large ashtray perched in front of the store.

The owners of this business cannot claim that they do not know about Glendale smoke-free regulations because they have been visited by city employees. They simply do not care. With these businesses in Glendale, our recognition is for what is on the books and not for what really occurs.

Sharon Collins
