
Rim of the Valley would be too big

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In the Jan. 10 Glendale News-Press was an article titled “Rim of the Valley draws support.” I do not believe the supporters know the whole story. The proposed new national park covers an area two-thirds the size of Yosemite National Park.

We cannot afford another national park. Right now $10 billion is needed to upgrade our present park system. This park will cost another $2 billion for land acquisition and in doing so takes that property off the tax rolls.

It will affect 172,000 property owners who will have little say about their property being taken. Many things we take for granted you cannot do in national parks, like having them clear brush near your home.

Access would be limited to the Verdugos and San Rafael Hills here in Glendale. Please pull up a map of the proposed national park. You will be shocked by what areas it covers, like upper Chevy Chase Canyon and the Verdugo Woodlands.

Bob Gregg
