
Young people belong at Giggles

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Our city officials have apparently forced the ownership of Giggles Night Club to change their license to prohibit young people under the age of 18 from entering the club due to the presence of alcohol on the premises.

This action is ridiculous, since it denies dancing programs at the “night club,” the mere mention of which rings a bell with young people, boys and girls ages 14 to 18.

We members of the Glendale Human Relations Coalition sponsored and supervised many dances of the past three to four years and had no alcoholic problems, no fights, no claims or lawsuits against Giggles or the city of Glendale over any criminal activity. The dances gave our young people something to do after school and an opportunity for boys to meet girls and vice versa.

Another excellent and well-attended program for our young people canceled. A sad commentary; in fact, a tragic joke.

Dick Seely
La Crescenta
