
A long-distance fan of the city clerk

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I am writing you from the frozen climes of northeastern Pennsylvania with snow flurries in the air and daytime temperature in the 20s.

It has been almost one year since I left Glendale, but I will always consider it home.

During my over 40 years there I was always interested in civic affairs and the political process, which is the subject of this letter.

I am writing regarding the forthcoming election and particularly the office of city clerk.

Several years ago I actively supported a candidate for city clerk when the office became vacant. While I believed that my candidate was well qualified there were several candidates, which is how I became acquainted with Ardy Kassakhian. It soon became apparent to me that he was the most qualified, and the public seemed to agree, since he won the election.

During the following years he more than justified my initial impression by introducing several changes to the office to make it more efficient and in explaining the duties of his office to the public.

If I were still a resident, I and my family would support Ardy.

David A Fortune
Athens, Pa.
