
Frank Quintero will be missed

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Mayor Frank Quintero’s decision not to run for another term on the Glendale City Council is disheartening.

Quintero served Glendale very well with pride and dedication to the entire community. Indeed, he was not afraid to stand against the status quo and vote with the people of Glendale rather than to serve special interests.

Quintero was known to stand against rubber stamping the reports and demands of staff on numerous occasions to protect the public’s interest. He voted against utility rate increases numerous times and also voted against the costly and dangerous at-grade crossing project at Flower Street.

Quintero was a champion of parks and open spaces and was not afraid to speak against projects that he believed would destroy the quality of life for single-family neighborhoods.

He truly lived up to his campaign motto, “protecting the neighborhoods.” Mayor Quintero, thank you for serving Glendale for the past 12 year with ethics and pride.

Patrick Masihi
