
Kassakhian will get my vote

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I remember when I was a student at Glendale Community College and I had gone to a student group event; Ardashes Kassakhian had come to speak to us.

I can’t remember what the event was about but I do remember that Ardy was the first elected official to whom I listened intently. He spoke to the youth with a sincerity that encouraged them to listen while inspiring them to become active members of the community.

Years later, I saw him again at GCC, this time for a leadership program that was held for younger kids where I was also a presenter. He hadn’t lost the kick in his step and continued energetically speaking with budding leaders, one by one, guiding them and offering his help.

Now, having accumulated a few years in the political world myself, I doubly appreciate Ardy and his devotion to not only his work but to his community. The tenets under which he’s running — integrity, experience, and vision — are not empty words but realities about him and his candidacy that every voter can appreciate.

He has made Glendale, my hometown, a better place to live and I can attest to that from my own firsthand experience as a youth, a professional, and as a lifelong citizen.

Ardy will get my vote and he deserves yours.

William Bairamian

Editor’s note: The writer is executive director Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region
