
The bell has not tolled for cutout

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Reading in the Glendale News-Press’ Feb. 27 Forum page about the Clint Eastwood cutout, the reports of his demise have been grossly exaggerated.

On a hike to the top of the hill above the Glendale (2) Freeway, I discovered poor old Clint dug out of the ground and about 30 feet down the hill from his previous location.

He is all there, cement galoshes and all. Clint has his arm extended holding a bell. On the back of the cutout is a sign which asks anyone reading it to ring the bell and become an organ donor.

Art in Glendale is alive and well!

If Clint could speak, he might say: “Go ahead, make my day and become an organ donor.”

Appropriately, Clint is pointing toward Verdugo Hills Hospital!

I have rung the bell, will you?

Bob Thompson
