
Run to polls to vote for Freemon

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In Kurt Sawitskas’ letter to the editor on March 9, he stated he was not voting for Jen Freemon because her husband was a former president of the Glendale Teacher’s Association.

Really? Strange, because one of the GUSD’s recent school board members, Chuck Sambar, was a former president of the GTA. And as far as I can determine, Chuck Sambar served the GUSD well as a school board member from 1997-2009.

As for calling Freemon’s candidacy a “power grab,” Sawitskas obviously does not know Freemon. Perhaps the candidates he endorses are power grabbers, but as a GUSD parent, I believe the only thing Freemon is attempting to grab is the opportunity to make GUSD the best it can be for our children.

As a parent and former teacher, Freemon brings a much-needed perspective to the school board. Above all, Freemon cares. She listens. She is invested in our children’s education. She has deep empathy and incredible strength and determination to face and overcome our school district’s challenges.

And stating that Freemon “seems like a nice person” is belittling to her character. She is an intelligent, vibrant and determined individual that will never stop working if elected. She is that kind of person. We should all be running to the polls to vote for Jen Freemon.

Maureen Cassidy
Los Angeles
