
Freemon has a conflict of interest

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Please forgive me for not making my point clear (“No need for Glendale school board changes,” Mailbag, March 9). I am concerned that Jennifer Freemon would be ineffective on the school board because ethically, she would have to recuse herself from most of the issues that the board handles due to a material conflict of interest.

Certainly, contract negotiations with the teachers union involve salary, work schedule, benefits and retirement funds. The school board will also be faced with many other issues that affect the work load of teachers, e.g. class size, teacher training and funding student elective programs. She would be recused of participation in these matters because her spouse is a current Glendale teacher and she and her family would be affected by the outcome.

I don’t really doubt that Freemon has a desire to help. I don’t see why we should replace any valuable incumbent with someone who cannot fully apply themselves due to ethics conflicts.

Kurt Sawitskas
