
Sinanyan and supporters set terrible example

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It was painful and embarrassing to watch Tuesday night’s City Council meeting. Zareh Sinanyan and his supporters set a terrible example. If we, as parents, behave like bullies in a public forum, how do we expect our children in school to do better? To add insult to injury, one city councilman ended his commentary with a threat to all of his colleagues on the dais. So now it’s OK to blackmail each other in the council chambers?

All I tuned in to hear was a simple clarification by the candidate, whether in fact he had or had not authored or authorized the threatening and racist comments were posted online under his name. But as he refused to deny that he was the author of the posts, I was left to make my own assumption.

I salute Laura Friedman, who raised the question of these terrible posts, because she stands up against intolerance and hatred. I am an immigrant who grew up under persecution and I have appreciated the freedoms I have enjoyed here in Glendale for the last 54 years. When the public, as well as the candidate, took to attacking a council member fulfilling her duty as the overseer of a commissioner, it was freedom of speech at its worst. I am saddened for all of us who have loved living in this community of such diverse cultural backgrounds.

Christa Miller
