
Any candidate but Kazazian

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It’s amazing to me that anyone would want Aram Kazazian to represent the city of Glendale in any capacity. Kazazian is the person primarily responsible for the El Tovar fiasco.

Kazazian was the architect/owner whose plans were approved by the city in 1989 for the construction of his residence at 3150 El Tovar. Once initial building plans were approved, Kazazian expanded the residence well beyond the original plans he submitted.

This man ignored local building design, review and permit processes, he flagrantly ignored adjacent property owners, and in general, displayed no respect for the citizens of Glendale.

In 1993 Kazazian sought financial help through multiple financial institutions. He eventually borrowed an enormous amount of money and then allowed the property to go into foreclosure.

The property Kazazian walked away from was vacant for years and it cost the city and the eventual new owners many hours and thousands of dollars in order to bring the property into compliance.

I am appalled that this man thinks he has the ethical conduct to represent the citizens of Glendale. This candidate shows a proclivity for spending money to serve his own personal needs and he has clearly demonstrated a complete lack of judgment and questionable decision-making abilities. Why would we think his behavior has changed?

We do not need someone of questionable ethics on our city council. I urge the citizens of Glendale to vote, as there are several other qualified candidates running for city council.

Ann Cruse Segal
