
Sinanyan should lose his commission seat

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I was unable to attend the City Council meeting on March 12 in regards to the questioning of Commissioner Zareh Sinanyan. I was appalled to read the paper as to the outcome of the Council meeting (“Sinanyan keeps seat for now,” March 13).

To think that this man is alleged to have been blogging such hateful, sexist, racist comments for the past several years and then has been sitting as a commissioner for this city is not only extremely disturbing, but embarrassing for all of Glendale.

He calls this a “well-orchestrated smear campaign.” Well, exactly who does he think posted these comments traced back to his name as originator six years ago? Definitely could not have been Laura Friedman, who he viciously attacked verbally, as she has only been on the council since 2009.

And for him to say that he had not seen the comments. How effective would any council member or commissioner be if they were not up to date on the news and current events of Glendale, especially if the news was about them?

Until a full investigation into the validity of his comments begins, he should be dismissed from his commission and excluded from running for council.

Patty Silversher
