
The Crosby Chronicles: Make the most of life

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The email was dutifully sent out to all school district employees. “Former Hoover High School Librarian Joyce Brace passed away Friday, March 29, 2013.”

Over the years such emails announcing the deaths of district employees are commonplace. Most of the time I don’t recognize those who have died. However, I worked with Joyce for several years. And just last June I saw her again at Hoover when she awarded me a grant from the retired teacher group of which she was a member. I recall how much older she appeared but still vital.

How strange it was that I almost called her the day she died regarding a new grant. I can’t explain why I didn’t call her, but days later when I found out when she died, I felt a chill.

We all know that life will end, and that one day an email will be sent out to those still living about our demise. Such a reality check should light the fire under those of us lucky enough to enjoy the gift of life, to make the most of the short time we are given.


BRIAN CROSBY is a teacher in the Glendale Unified School District and the author of “Smart Kids, Bad Schools and The $100,000 Teacher.” He can be reached at
