
Gratitude to Frank Quintero’s leadership

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I would like to thank Mayor Frank Quintero for his years of dedication, commitment and leadership that he has provided for our city and our community.

Quintero has mentored and provided guidance to numerous individuals in our city, especially countless new immigrant families. He has made himself available for all segments of this community and maintained an open-door policy for anyone needing assistance and/or guidance.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Quintero and his family for more than 30 years and he is as humble today as he was the first day I met him. The sacrifices he and his family have made for the betterment of this city is countless, and so are the number of lives he has improved with his guidance. Additionally, I would like to thank his wife Jani, for sharing Frank with our community and the sacrifices she has endured to support Frank, for the stress that comes with holding a council seat.

Mayor Quintero, on behalf of this community, my family and myself thank you.

Sam S. Manoukian
