
Litterers should carry out their debris

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It is astounding how many wildflowers I’ve seen on my weekly walks this spring in the Verdugos.

However, I recently read that January, February and March were the driest in recorded history, yet surprisingly I have observed three or four kinds of lupine, three lovely phacelias, a profusion of popcorn flowers, windmill pinks, filaree, black sage and lots of other flowers. Certainly they weren’t as robust as in a normal rainfall year, but still worth a look.

But not deterred by the dryness, the litterers continue to rain down their drink bottles, medical cannabis bottles, tissues and other trash and garbage, including, the stupidest of all, cigarette butts. However, I recently came across two new examples of truly amazing litterer mental midgetry: At the water tank at the top of the Las Flores motorway, someone had carefully gathered up their Subway meal trash and neatly put it all in a plastic bag, tied the bag and then tossed it into the chaparral.

Even stranger yet was the little blue plastic bag filled with feces of some sort, carefully closed and tied and then deposited in the middle of the road at the top by the KROQ towers. It is hard for me to comprehend the mental opacity that allows this defiling of our precious de facto park, which is so readily available for relaxation, exercise and enjoyment. Wake up and grow up, you litterers, and carry out your debris.

Robert Morrison
