
Track meet showed CV’s heart

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Writer Marianne Williamson said, “In every community there is work to be done, in every nation there are wounds to heal, in every heart there is the power to do it.”

Last Saturday was a beautiful day on the Crescenta Valley High School athletic track. CV CAN (Crescenta Valley Committed to Athletic Needs) sponsored the fourth Special Olympics Track Meet, which brought a gathering of more than 800 people. We had more than 250 athletes competing at this year’s meet, 250 wonderful individuals who inspired us race after race with their dedication and determination in spite of their disabilities. We had more than 450 community volunteers who came out to prepare meals, organize events, monitor parking, and “buddy up” with an athlete to escort, encourage and share the day’s event. We had our local police and fire departments send officers and firefighters over to spend the day interacting with, and pinning medals on, our athletes.

All of these wonderful people in the community of the Crescenta Valley worked together to make a difference. The “heart” of our valley showed through from the moment the first athlete stepped onto the field until the last one departed. Thank you sharing your hearts with us that day.

Grace Chase

Editor’s note: The writer is vice president of CV CAN and chaired the Special Olympics event.
