
Sinanyan apologized under pressure

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I voted for Zareh Sinanyan and two other candidates, all of them new, with the thought that new members are not yet contaminated with corruption and serving people is their motive to be elected.

Of the three I voted for, only Sinanyan was elected; and under pressure from gays and Muslims, and also other candidates who have learned how to be politically correct, he apologized.

Sinanyan must always remember that people like me sent him to the City Council and none of them who were criticizing him wanted him to be there. I’m asking that he please remember us who voted for him. In the future when he will face issues that need his approval, the interest of those who are his supporters should be his priority.

Of course the whole city of Glendale matters, but he can’t please everybody. The remarks he made five years ago on the Internet shouldn’t become a tool in the hands of opponents. His supporters didn’t ask him to apologize, but to serve. I wish him the best in his job.

Martik Abramian
