
Sinanyan’s apology minimal, incomplete

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This is an apology: “I have offended the people of Glendale and I am sorry for this.”

This is not an apology: “If I have not gone far enough, let me be clear: I apologize to anyone who may have been offended by my past comments. I’m truly sorry.”

Councilman Zareh Sinanyan doesn’t “maybe” offend the people of Glendale; he offends the people of Glendale. Sinanyan hasn’t “maybe” gone far enough in his apologies; he’s not gone far enough in his apologies.

Any reparation Sinanyan has offered for his words and ensuing (non) actions only came after public pressure. They are minimal and incomplete.

Glendale is now on the news for its racist, homophobic, misogynistic, fraudulent City Council member. A comment posted reads, “What do you expect, it’s Glendale.” No “maybe” there.

Grey James
