
Mohill should replace Friedman

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Re: “Allowing alcohol sends wrong message,” Mailbag, May 8. Mike Mohill hit the nail on the head. He brought up very salient points in reference to the council’s decision to allow alcohol at weddings on public property. The council is asking for more problems. Don’t we have enough problems without encouraging more?

In addition, there are many private venues available for functions of this type. If they want to ban something, they should ban the sale of alcohol in the city of Glendale. The city would be much better off.

The council should give some serious thought to other ways to bring in revenue.

The council’s decision to no longer allow the gun show on public property was a dog-and-pony show at best. It only placated the bleeding hearts. It has not accomplished anything in the way of safety.

Mohill should replace Councilwoman Laura Friedman. She needs to move on with her ideas of how to ruin a city. I would certainly vote for him.

Rex Shields
