
Sinanyan should have been prepared

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The City Council meeting on May 7 was enlightening. There was Zareh Sinanyan on a crucial vote regarding the DWP contact taking the position that he would abstain because he had not been in office when the issue was being discussed.

What is the city of Glendale to expect from Sinanyan in the future? He is unable to cast a vote on every issue that he personally did not attend? What happened to reviewing the subject, the documents and prior city council tapes, and formulating a decision? This is what is called being prepared. What if other elected officials took the position after being elected and said, “I will cast a vote of abstention since I was not personally there at the time the issue was discussed”?

Sinanyan should have done due diligence and prepared himself for the issues facing the city. He should not hide behind the fact that he was not present when issues were discussed in the past. We need leadership, not excuses. Excuses were what Sinanyan offered as his “service” to the community for his lack of preparation. One has to ask, how long is this position going to be the explanation by Sinanyan? The city of Glendale wants and deserves elected officials that are prepared for City Council meetings.

Carole Weling
