
Rule would pit neighbor against neighbor

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As a resident of Glendale for many years I have to express my disappointment for what is going to be a new law on smoking (“City may toughen smoking rules,” May 16) proposed by the City Council. It would create an atmosphere of hostility, and possible retaliation would arise that could even lead to harm if not prevented.

Imagine two neighbors, one suing the other, and then they have to live peacefully afterward. That is not a good thought. There are so many smokers in Glendale. Our mayor said “we got to try to make an effort.” I agree with him, but this law will not bring good. This is a desperate attempt and shows a lack of wisdom toward the future.

Last month as I was walking on Glenoaks Boulevard I counted two tobacco stores. If you live in Glendale perhaps you noticed that in last few years their number has increased. Why are there more? Don’t we want to have a smokeless city?

I know the smokers will get their cigarettes anyway, but the point is that we have to do something about this issue, like prohibiting any new tobacco stores and requiring those already in the city to have tinted windows. Of course, the goal is to replace all those shops, and it could be done when the City Council pushes them out.

Is our City Council courageous enough to take a big step? I ask the City Council to think twice before making such an awful proposition into law. I think a smoker will quit (which is not an easy thing) by being aware of the dangers of smoking. That awareness is not present yet because of the easy availability of tobacco everywhere. As long as we give them that easy access, not many would decide to quit.

Martik Abramian
