
Sinanyan should be given a chance

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In the past few week and months, I have read numerous letters published questioning Zareh Sinanyan’s reputation, motives and preparedness for the City Council.

I think time has come for us to stop this Sinanyan bashing. I must say that I have only met Sinanyan once, for five minutes, and do not have a personal relationship with him. But in the short meeting, I found him to be an intelligent young man. However, it appears that this paper prints more letters bashing Sinanyan than all other council members combined.

Give the man a chance to take office and prove his worth before jumping up on every issue and questioning every move he makes. He was elected by the people. Allowing him to represent the people who voted for him is the democratic way. You might not like the result of the election but people have spoken. Let it be.

Albert Abkarian
