
Glendale’s charter questioned

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In the June 1 News-Press, there was an article on Frank Quintero, “Former mayor under fire.”

Two city residents were recently approved by the attorney general to file a lawsuit challenging the appointment of Quintero to fill a vacant City Council spot. Per the city of Glendale’s website, under Glendale’s Municipal Code, “City Charter”; Article VI, it states the following: No former councilmember shall hold any compensated city office or city employment until two (2) years after leaving the office of councilmember. (1982.)

It appears clear cut, and not open to interpretation. Quintero’s term had ended two weeks prior to his appointment. He had officially retired from office and was even given a retirement party. I don’t understand the city attorney’s judgment, that elected officials are exempt, because in his opinion, voters in 1982 didn’t intend to block council members from holding elected office after they left the dais. How does he know what voters intended, more than 30 years ago, when the current language of the resolution says otherwise. Garcia has no right to infer something in the charter that is not there. We expect him to follow the charter as written.

With respect to Quintero, I observed several of his emotional outbursts as mayor, during City Council meetings. Accordingly, in my opinion, he no longer has the temperament or the composure to serve on the City Council. He’s just comes off as an angry old man.

Kenneth Landon

