
GUSD schools should update Web pages

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I wholeheartedly commend the Glendale News-Press for its June 1 editorial regarding the need for Glendale Unified School District to appoint a new principal at Crescenta Valley High School “who will embrace and nurture all students, including CV High’s lesbian/gay/bisexual/transsexual community.”

The departing principal, Dr. Michele Doll, has clearly not demonstrated this and in looking at CV High’s website, there is no link for reporting bullying incidents.

This is unlike Hoover High’s website where, on the home page, there is a link for reporting a bullying incident. This was added to the website this past December after I contacted Hoover’s Principal Dr. Jennifer Earl, who I had met at the Hoover Home Tour. Earl clearly recognizes the need to address this issue. Sadly, Glendale High School also has not yet added the link to its website and one has to struggle to find the “Intervention Form” under the resources page of the website.

My hope is that all middle and high schools in GUSD will conform to what I believe should be a district-wide policy to have a bullying link on their home pages to make reporting as easy as possible. Students who are affected need to know that help is available and that the It Gets Better project has propelled a movement to improve the lives and future of the LGBT community.

Richard A. Lieboff, Ph.D.

