
Najarian sends city up in smoke

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Glendale a smoke-free city? What a joke! Everywhere I look in Glendale people are smoking. On the street, in front of the market, in their cars, at the Americana — everywhere. Don’t even get me started on all the cigarette trash and butts that litter our streets.

To call Glendale a smoke-free city is complete hypocrisy. I laughed out loud when I read in this paper that the city council was voting on whether or not to move smoking sections on patios at restaurants five feet. Five feet? What a waste of the taxpayers’ money. Seems to me that council person Ara Najarian, who championed the smoking-on-patios-at-restaurants idea, is more concerned with keeping his friends who own restaurants happy than with the health of the children of Glendale. Thanks, Mr. Najarian, for sending Glendale up in smoke.

Greg Christophersen
