
Questioning the mayor’s behavior

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What kind of a mayor does Glendale have in Dave Weaver? A video shows Weaver speaking at the recent annual Glendale police appreciation and awards banquet and it’s what he said that is very disturbing. Known for his dislike of city critics, Weaver continued his attack on them in his banquet talk in a physical sense. Speaking of city critics, whom he referred to as “gadflies,” Weaver said: “If I had enough power, or if I had enough guts…I would come down off the dais and punch ‘em out.” Imagine a mayor of a city stooping this low to get his point across.

For a high Glendale official to make such an outrageous and disgusting statement and at a public event is unconscionable. In saying what he did, Weaver is actually discouraging the right of Glendale citizens (and they may think twice) to come to the City Council meetings if they have a complaint or a topic Weaver may not like to hear.

I would say his City Council colleagues are also angry at such a remark and should take action to remove him as mayor and even remove him from the council if that is possible. Weaver has lost all credibility as a city servant.

Don Mazen
