
Post office should remain in use

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Thanks to the Glendale News-Press for publicizing a public forum held by the U.S. Postal Service in Glendale. It was reported that 50 local citizens protested the Postal Service’s plan to abandon the historic Glendale Main Post Office building on East Broadway and move to a smaller facility. I wish to add my voice in protesting this ill-considered proposal.

The Glendale Main Post Office is a beautiful, historic building that is extremely convenient to use due to ample parking. A good example of the mess that would result from a move to a smaller facility is the Tropico station, a post office only a mile away that is a nightmare to use due to a tiny parking lot and virtually no street parking. My wish is that the Postal Service will close the Tropico station and keep the Glendale Main branch where it is.

Steve Asimow
