
There’s a little problem at Adams Square

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I agree 100% with the reader that wrote in disagreement with a recent news article about Glendale being clean (“The city has a little problem,” Mailbag, July 27). I ask Sandra Rodriguez, the program coordinator in the Community Development Department, to come and walk around Adams Square, outside the bakery in the 1100 block of E. Chevy Chase Drive. There she can find the largest amount of cigarette butts littering of all Glendale. The front parking spaces of the Adams Square Library are used daily as a trash-dumping site. Furniture, fast-food wrappings and bags, beer and alcohol bottles, paint cans and many other kinds of trash are left by people that park here, day and night, without bothering to put the trash in the trash receptacle on the sidewalk.

Glendale is a “clean” city? Come on! Maybe two or three video cameras would help Rodriguez see the litterers.

As to leaf blowers causing health hazards, you bet they do. And they also create pollution that makes Glendale dirtier. We urge Rodriguez to put on her walking shoes and come on down to Adams Square. We will be waiting to show her around.

Joe Zuazua
