
Support made abuse program a success

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On behalf of the Armenian Bar Assn., a warm thank you for the Aug. 13 Teen Alcohol and Substance Abuse Workshop presented by Homenetmen (HMEM) Western Region.

I was honored to take part as a panelist on such an important topic. They are to be commended for shedding light on a topic that unfortunately remains a taboo in the minds of so many in the Armenian-American community.

Also to be commended for their continued support and service to our community are Mary Der Parseghian, Esq., Nora Chitilian Keleshian, Arick Gevorkian, Officer Joe Allen and the Glendale Police Department for their genuine support.

The presence at the event of GPD Chief Ron De Pompa, Capt. Todd Stokes as well as Lt. Lola Abrahamian, speaks volumes for the depth of the police department’s partnership with our community and its premier organization, Homenetmen.

It was a privilege and an honor to have been asked and participated in Homenetmen’s important initiative to raise awareness in our community relative to teens and alcohol and substance abuse in their midst, along with the consequences which await them and us all as families and as a community. If we do not embrace the importance of our role in the choices teenagers make and the corresponding consequences which flow from such poor choices as described at the panel discussion, we are sure to regret it.

Everyone should be congratulated and thanked for taking part in a very critical, necessary and timely program.

Garo Ghazarian

Editor’s Note: The writer is president and chairman of the board of governors, Armenian Bar Assn.
