
Twelve Oaks shouldn’t become McMansions

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I belong to the Sparr Heights neighborhood group and we’re very concerned about the recent announcement that the Twelve Oaks Retirement Home is closing abruptly.

It seems horribly unfair to the elderly residents to give them 60 days’ notice. Can this possibly be legal? How will they find suitable housing in such a short time frame?

Also, I’m very concerned about the development of that site. It’s lovely, it fits into the neighborhood, and not only is it a great place for its residents, but our Cub Scout Pack enjoyed going there every year to entertain the residents at Christmastime and mingle with them. It gave a sense of community to our little area.

I’m worried. Is it going to be torn down and replaced by condos or McMansions or some other similar monstrosity? I feel like the community has a right to know, as it could severely impact our quality of life in this area.

Katie Emery
