
Make room for exchange students

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Everyone remembers the foreign exchange student they went to high school with. Or maybe one of your friends was lucky enough to spend a year abroad.

I secretly wanted to attend school abroad but, as my German teacher would tell you, that was not a language I excelled at! Every year, there are nonprofit organizations who place students in high schools to learn what it means “to be an American.” To learn our traditions, our way of life; it is an experience that will change the student for a lifetime.

Matching a student is like the perfect storm; you need a student, a host family and a school willing to accept a student for the school term. Sadly many schools have said they have no room. I will try to work with all our local schools so that in the future each school will be able to accept a foreign student.

I currently have two students registered at Hoover High School; they are matched with a temporary family while we secure a permanent family or families for the school year. There is a boy from Sweden and a boy from Italy and I’m looking to find a host family near Hoover High School. As I meet people I often hear, “I always wanted to do that”… I’m asking those who have an interest to open your home. For more information about the program please contact Beverly at (818) 429-2528.

Beverly de Lucia
