
Letter: Leaf blower ban is unrealistic

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There have been quite a few letters to the News-Press regarding leaf blowers in the past few weeks. I feel your pain, people.

We have a neighbor who thinks nothing of using his leaf blower for three hours at a time, 10 hours plus a week, 52 weeks a year. We still hear it in our house even with all the windows shut and the television on. He blows his yard, patio furniture, street, even his roof. I can’t begin to tell you how it decreases the quality of life, what sounds like a go cart motor droning on and on and on. We have no recourse, especially up here in La Crescenta, except the hope that one has a conscience and some consideration for their neighbors. So far, that hasn’t got me very far. If I had known I would have this to contend with, I would have never moved to this house 10 years ago.

Even with that, I think a ban on leaf blowers is unrealistic. They do a job pretty well, and are easier to use than a rake or broom. If there was a law limiting their use to an hour a day, I would be doing back flips.

Mark Elliott
La Crescenta
