
Letter: No favor to truth or justice

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Editor Dan Evans wants everyone to know that Ron Kaye and the Glendale News-Press are not negatively biased toward Assemblyman Mike Gatto. (Stop the Presses, Oct. 5).

So Evans writes yet another article about a non-issue, repeating, yet again, the same ridiculously over-the-top, laughable claims by a fringe group. It is no mystery to me what is going on here. I doubt there is a mystery to Evans, either. He is keeping the story alive, and therefore not doing truth or justice any favors.

But perhaps the most ridiculous claim is that Evans became concerned that the paper looked biased after a fringe special-interest group sent around one of the Glendale News-Press columns in the mail. At that point, according to Evans, he became concerned that the wild claims of Kaye appearing under the Glendale News-Press masthead might make the paper look bad. We are left wondering why Evans didn’t have those same concerns with publishing such nonsense in the first place.

Galo Naranjo III
