
Letter: Police efforts miss the point

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In October the News-Press published a letter in which I pleaded with the Glendale City Council and Police Department to stop wasting energy and our money on frivolous pursuits, but instead to concentrate resources on strict enforcement of traffic laws and removal of the homicidal maniacs from our streets.

It is ironic that only a couple of days later, the paper announced that the police activated a prostitution sting operation in which they entrapped a few fools who solicited prospective streetwalkers who in reality were police persons, and that $150,000 will be spent to institute DUI checkpoints around the city.

The first relates to an activity which, to my knowledge, does not result in death, injuries or property damage to the general population. To my knowledge also, I am not sure that Glendale has a problem with prostitution.

The second is laudable, but does little to remove the multitude of sober maniacs who roam our streets and endanger our life and limb.

Traffic behavior in Glendale has become that of a third-world country. It is time to change that while most of us are still alive and healthy. I only hope that the new chief of police will have more sense in his priorities and protect us all by following my suggestion: Allocate the resources and enforce strictly and continuously the traffic laws (including on bicycle riders) and remove the misfits who drive on our streets. Please.

Theodore Polychronis
