
Letter: Support an organization born of tragedy

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It’s that time of year when many worthy organizations reach out to the community and ask the good folks for gifts and money to be put into their Christmas stockings.

The question I ask every year is which of these organizations has touched my heart? Which organization helps develop the character of tomorrow’s leaders? Which organization is there to help their friends and neighbors? Which organization has parents, friends, business owners and strangers working together and participating annually to help raise approximately $20,000 for a one-night event to ensure our children are in a safe environment after a senior prom? Which organization was born out of a tragedy in 1991 following a senior prom? Yes, Crescenta Valley High School’s Prom Plus!

Prom Plus is an organization with which I became involved only a couple of years ago when I saw young kids selling cookies and cakes and I asked, “Why?” This past year, I volunteered with my fellow veterans to help with the after-party cleanup. There were volunteers from the police and fire departments, homemakers, carpenters, businessmen and businesswomen, teachers, electricians, handymen, sales people and even a politician. Volunteers came from all walks of life to guarantee a safe and fun-filled night. A night and a year to remember so that these kids might one day say to themselves how a tragedy of 20 years ago brought a community together.

Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Prom Plus.

Mike Mohill
