
Letter: Keep film and TV production local

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Re: “Film permits on a roll,” Dec. 14. Kudos to City Clerk Ardy Kassakhian for creating a full-time position for film permitting in Glendale. I’m glad that Glendale is embracing the fact that some of the largest film studios in the world are located just minutes from our city. This is a great potential source of revenue for the city, which doesn’t require raising the taxes of citizens.

It’s also a great way to help the local economy and to help make sure that money and jobs stay here rather than go to other states, which continue to steal production from California. It is important to keep in mind that there are thousands of Glendale residents (as well as surrounding cities) who work in the film industry and who rely on local shoots to earn a living.

I’m proud of our region’s storied heritage in film and am happy that Glendale wants to play a larger role in it.

Eric L. Johnston
