
Letter: Praise for the city’s police department

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Re: “Alarmed by frequent traffic stops,” Mailbag, Dec. 11. I have read and reread Phillip Herndon’s letter several times. Quite frankly I am in a state of disbelief and amazement in what he is relating of his experiences with the Glendale Police Department. Not really knowing all of the facts, I can not comment directly on his situation.

However, I would like to note that in many different situations and interactions that I personally have had with various officers of the Glendale Police Department, they have always acted in a professional and courteous manner. I firmly believe that they have good reasons to make a traffic stop and investigate. There are reasons for their questions and actions. We, as citizens of Glendale, entrust our lives and property to the officers and I do not think they have an easy job. If the policy is aggressive, that is much better than passive.

I trust that I am not alone in my appreciation of the Glendale Police Department and what they do for our community.

Joe Kroening
La Crescenta
