
Letter: Christmas is not celebrated by everyone

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Re: “Christmas by name, should be cherished,” Brian Crosby’s The Whiteboard Jungle, Dec. 20. This article reflects the misguided view of the dominant Christian culture in America that “part of that American education is the way we all celebrate Christmas, from putting light displays on houses, to visiting Santa etc., etc.”

I am an American, my family is American, all educated in America, and we do not celebrate Christmas. Millions of Americans do not celebrate Christmas at all or in the way the author describes.

Likewise, please don’t presume to speak for the Jewish American composers of Christmas themed songs and describe their feelings and desires, which you don’t really know. Christmas is a joyous holiday for many Americans, which even those who do not celebrate cannot deny, nor have any desire to.

I wish all my friends who celebrate it a very Merry Christmas. As a proud American citizen, I cherish our nation’s diversity and respect every and all family traditions. Just don’t try to force your religious traditions on me under the guise of “American” traditions because that’s not what true Americans do.

Jeff Magid
La Crescenta
