
Letter: Elected officials should focus on issues closer to home

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Re: “Gatto resolution creates a flap,” Jan. 11. Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Silver Lake) has introduced a resolution to the state Assembly urging the U.S. to recognize the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic as a sovereign state. Who/what/where is that and why is this something the state Assembly needs to waste its time on?

There are troubles where my ancestors came from but I don’t expect the state Assembly or the U.S. to tackle them. We have so many issues here at home that need attention. Our elected officials love to throw in these red herrings so no one can concentrate on what they should be doing.

I feel for the struggles of the people in that part of the world and abhor the bloodshed but this subject has nothing to do with the U.S. nor California. It is not our concern. I am sure the Assemblyman can and should find many issues here in California to tackle.

Marianne Wood
