
Letter: Disney affiliates have other parking choices

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Re: “Disney campus wants permit to serve alcohol,” Jan. 17. At the hearing, the request to serve alcohol to employees and guests at Disney events was amended, significantly in my opinion, to include third-party events (charitable fundraisers was given as an example), but the planning department said alcohol would “not make things any worse” in the Grand Central neighborhood. Left unmitigated therefore is the underlying issue: our residential streets serve as a parking lot for Disney affiliates, who take nearly all spaces, despite the option of a free parking garage. Employees/focus group attendees have moved residents’ trash bins to create spaces (is the garage off-limits to attendees?)

Fans arriving for giveaways have awakened us at 3 a.m. Fans said guards directed them to our streets; guards said nearby building parking lots are off-limits to fans. Employees have trespassed, blocked driveways, sped, and continue to violate permit zones. During 2010 construction, our streets were used for crew parking and deliveries, despite lots next door. Real Estate Director Adam Gilbert’s statement that Disney doesn’t want its employees parking here is appreciated. But it should be obvious that nonresidential parking — and related impacts — can be halted only with a neighborhoodwide permit parking district that extends into evening hours. This is especially critical now, given the dangerous mix of few sidewalks, children playing and residents walking in the streets at night, and alcohol.

I reiterate my previously rejected request that Disney pay for all Grand Central residents’ permits. We should not have to pay to preserve street parking for ourselves, family, and friends: We have no parking alternatives, while Disney employees and contractors (and most likely some partygoers) who park here do.

Jennifer Pinkerton
