
Editorial: Your paper has not gone away

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Some changes went into effect this week relating to the delivery of the Burbank Leader and Glendale News-Press that have caused a stir. Some of our loyal readers can’t find their newspaper in the usual racks that have long stood along the two cities’ thoroughfares and near supermarket parking lots. Local residents are calling and emailing us at a steady pace asking how they might find their paper.

So, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone that, as we have reported recently, the Leader and the News-Press are both available in their respective communities via a home delivery subscription to the Los Angeles Times. They are also now folded in with copies of the Los Angeles Times in the Times’ news racks around our cities.

The sidewalk racks that used to hold free copies of our two community papers were apparently too tempting to opportunists who were on the hunt for materials to recycle for cash. To circumvent that activity, we are seeking to place bundles of free copies inside buildings, rather than outdoors. We are working with local merchants to identify the best sites for distribution of our papers.

We think it’s wonderful that people are clamoring to find the paper so they can stay abreast of the vital news of our cities. As soon as we can, we will publish addresses of those locations so that readers who are not subscribers to the Los Angeles Times can find a single copy of either the Leader or the News-Press. If you have a suggestion as to where a stack would be welcomed, please send an email to Editor Dan Evans at
