
Letter: Sign the petition to lower taxes

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I love Glendale, but I am very concerned when I see what is happening to our beautiful city. What should we do? Sit back and bury our heads in the sand and hope somehow all this out-of-control taxation and spending will be corrected by itself?

You may not appreciate the messengers we have among us — Harry Zavos, Herbert Molano, Mike Mohill, Barry Allen, etc. — but we should at least listen to their messages to determine what is the truth. These are the people who exposed the increased utility taxes being transferred to the general fund, who brought attention to the problems of John Drayman, who provide facts and figures of the outrageous salaries, benefits and pensions we pay to many of our employees. To ignore this information results in a fiscally unsound city without any responsible public outcry.

The petition to repeal the 7% utility tax is the latest attempt by some of these men to reduce taxes and allow more input from the people by requiring a vote before increasing taxes. Doesn’t this sound sensible and reasonable?

The city representatives and employees get paid to think of ways to increase our fees and taxes. Those above named “city watchdogs” spend hours of their time on a voluntary basis unearthing the facts. How about a little appreciation for their doing what we don’t have the courage to do for the good of our city?

Please sign the petition. Call (818) 383-5001 to learn where you can find it. Let us put the power of the people to the test to save our city.

Dolores Francis
