
Trio takes top CIF honors

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GLENDALE — Crescenta Valley High’s Rane Colvin and Alan Dearman and Hoover’s Hakop Kaplanyan had already set a standard of excellence for themselves by making the All-CIF Division VI first team last season.

The Falcons’ senior duo and the Tornadoes’ standout junior lived up to that high standard this season, further distinguishing themselves as the top players on their teams, in their leagues and once again in CIF, this time in Division V.

In first-team selections released by CIF on Monday, Colvin, a goalkeeper, and Dearman, a hole/set, earned a repeat honor for leading Crescenta Valley back to the divisional semifinals for the second straight year, while utility player Kaplanyan was bestowed the same honor for his role in leading Hoover to a first-round playoff appearance following a victory in the wild-card round.

Although the Falcons were one of the deepest and most versatile squads in the division, Dearman remained their top scoring option throughout their 25-5 season and finished with a team-high 78 goals.

“It makes me very proud,” said Dearman, who also tallied 11 assists and 13 steals. “I couldn’t have done it without my team helping me, they all pushed me and, as much as it’s an award for myself, I actually thank everyone else who helped me.

“Getting it last year just made me want to push myself harder so I could stay there and maintain that level and try to get better.”

Colvin was the dependable last line of Crescenta Valley’s vaunted defense, tallying 292 saves and 13 steals. He also averaged 9.3 saves per match over three playoff contests.

Kaplanyan led the Tornadoes in goals scored with 138 and tallied 48 assists and 62 steals while helping the team finish 16-16.

“It was actually an awesome way to end the season,” Kaplanyan said. “It’s telling me that I’m not going towards the bottom, I keep improving every year and I’m going toward the top. That’s the most important thing.”

For Kaplanyan, who burst onto the varsity scene as a freshman, it was the third All-CIF selection in a stellar high school career that already includes a Southern Section single-season scoring record as a sophomore.

“We’re proud of him, he’s accomplished more in three years at Hoover, as far as [All-CIF selections] than any other Hoover aquatics athlete prior to him,” Hoover Coach Ara Oganesyan said. “That’s a huge deal with Hoover having such a long history. In his last year, we’re hoping he really sets his sights on player of the year. For that to happen we all have to raise our level and try to win CIF.”

Coaches from the division also voted on a second and third team, which, according to CIF Director of Communications Thom Simmons, is not officially recognized by CIF.

Crescenta Valley’s second-team selection was senior driver Jack Snyder, while senior driver Robbie Ruzicka and junior driver/hole/guard Louis Wojciechowski were third-team picks, according to Coach Jan Sakonju.

Snyder tallied 44 goals to go with 24 assists and 15 steals. Wojciechowski was second on the team in goals scored with 57 and in steals with 37 and also had 19 assists, while Ruzicka (36 goals) led the team in assists with 31 and steals with 39.

Hoover junior hole/guard David Pogosian (56 goals, 32 assists, 35 steals) earned a second-team selection, according to Oganesyan.

“I was really excited to see him get second team,” Oganesyan said. “I put his name out there and the other coaches recognized his ability.”

Glendale Coach Forest Holbrook said his team did not have any All-CIF picks.
