
Short-handed Flintridge Prep downed by Burroughs in summer game

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Despite suiting up only five players, the Flintridge Prep boys’ basketball team sustained enough energy and solid play to nearly pull out the win in a summer league game with the Burroughs Indians Thursday afternoon.

The game, played at Maranatha High School, was a high-scoring affair and one that saw Burroughs hold the lead for the entire second half as it prevailed, 70-67.

After the game, Flintridge Prep Coach Garrett O’Hara said none of the five players who played Thursday regularly occupy the point guard position, adding yet another disadvantage for the Rebels.

Still, playing point guard by committee didn’t hinder Chadd Cosse from getting the ball inside and putting in a game-high 23 points or Tyler Weakland draining four three-pointers and finishing with 22 points.

But it wasn’t enough against the Indians, who got a team-high 17 points from Lawrence White, complemented well by balanced scoring amongst others.

“We created some space between us and could have put them away, but playing with rotations takes away minutes from guys who would normally be in there at those stretches,” said Indians Coach Adam Hochberg, who received 15 points from Chris Hovasapian and 10 apiece from Jorge Flores-Pere and Kalen Verhoeven. “We gave them some hope, and their shooter got going. We had too many mental breaks and missed easy looks.”

Flintridge Prep outscored Burroughs in the third and fourth quarters, but an eight-point halftime deficit proved to be too much as fatigue aided in the Rebels not being able to overtake the Indians after cutting the deficit down to a single possession multiple times in the second half.

Andrew Tsangeos’ bucket with just under a minute remaining had the Rebels trailing by one at 66-65, but misfires from the field in crunch time resulted in a Burroughs victory.

“As tired as we are, we had some good looks to take the game,” O’Hara said. “I’m proud of them, though. They battled back and give credit to them.”

The Rebels led on one occasion —a Weakland jumper in the first quarter that gave his team a brief 18-17 lead. From there on, the Indians were able to stave off Flintridge Prep and answer their scoring runs with key baskets.

“We’ve been up and down all summer, and that’s how it went this game,” Hochberg said. “We’re inconsistent with our focus. To let a team with five guys hang in there shouldn’t happen.”

Hochberg said he’s been impressed with Hovasapian, who will possibly be in the rotation once the regular season begins as his shooting can help spread the floor.

The sophomore guard made three field goals from behind the arc against the Rebels.
