
Glendale auctions off land damaged by 2005 mudslides

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After several failed attempts, Glendale this week was able to unload five land parcels damaged by the 2005 mudslides at an auction for the minimum bid of $700,000.

The money will help recoup more than $12 million in expenses that compounded for the city after several residents filed lawsuits alleging inadequate infrastructure failed to protect the properties against the flow of mud and water that swamped Glenmore Boulevard and Gladys Drive during the heavy storms.

The city acquired the parcels, located in the 700 block of Glenmore Boulevard and the 1600 block of Gladys Drive, as a result of a settlement with the residents.

The sole bidder, Andranik Gabriyelyan, will have to fix a number of issues, including repairing slope damage and doing hazard mitigation work. Some homes have been “red-tagged” and part of the land is not suitable for development, according to a city report.

It was the fourth time the city tried to auction off the parcels.

-- Brittany Levine, Times Community News

Follow Brittany on Google+ or Twitter: @brittanylevine
