
Commentary: Patriotism is the appropriate response to political acrimony

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I’d like to comment on the acrimonious atmosphere that I find very distasteful in this city. It spills over into social media pages, such as those on Facebook, like the Costa Mesa Public Square, and it hampers productive dialogue with many, many residents.

I believe the acrimony emanates from our city leadership, directly from the top. What I see as a response from the residents to this acrimony are displays of patriotism. Patriotism to me is a sense of national responsibility, a love of country and of duty.

The other day I was reading the lyrics to “God Bless America.”

“While the storm clouds gather far across the sea, let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free, let us all be grateful for a land so fair, as we raise our voices in a solemn prayer, God bless America, land that I love, stand behind her and guide her through the night with a light from above.”


That’s what I see — residents praying for Costa Mesa, residents standing behind her to guide her through the night. Some refer to this crisis in leadership as a cabal, others call it a regime. I have heard many descriptions.

I want to give a shoutout to some resident groups and an individual that I know are stepping up: Costa Mesans for Responsible Government (CM4RG), Costa Mesa First, the Fairview Park Preservation Alliance, and Geoff West, our very own resident blogger of “A Bubbling Cauldron.”

I am writing here to encourage patriotism, whatever you can muster. Get involved, attend City Council and Planning Commission meetings, register to vote, sign a petition that stirs you.

Our city needs her residents to stand behind her, and guide her through this very, very dark night.

LAURENE KEANE lives in Costa Mesa.
