
Editor’s Note: Welcome to the new website

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Today marks the beginning of a new web world for readers of the Burbank Leader, Glendale News-Press and La Cañada Valley Sun. As many readers have requested, our sites are now easily viewable on whatever device you have handy.

Life in Los Angeles moves quickly, and our readers need to be able to access the latest news and information about their hometowns on their work desktop, home laptop or smartphone.

As before, the papers do not have a paywall, and you do not have to register to view our stories. You will have to register to comment, but registration is free.

In addition to the responsive design, here are a few of the updates and features you’ll see on the new sites:

  • An upgraded calendar-submission process, which can be found here;
  • Better photo galleries;
  • An in-house commenting system, which no longer will require logging in via Facebook; and
  • An “infinite scroll” feature, which loads additional content as a reader goes down the page.

On top of all this, the papers are now more fully integrated with the Los Angeles Times itself, allowing our papers to better use the strengths and reach of our parent company.

In the coming months, we’ll be rolling out another long-requested feature: newsletters. Please let me know your thoughts about these changes. I look forward to hearing from you.


Dan Evans,

Twitter: @EditorDanEvans
