
Coyote badgers jogger, dogs near Back Bay

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An equestrian rescued a man and his dogs from a coyote Tuesday morning near the Back Bay.

Brian Clarkson, 37, said he was jogging about 8 a.m. with his two Yorkie mixes on a trail near University Drive and Irvine Avenue when a man on a horse spotted a coyote running toward them.

Clarkson said the coyote “seemed hungry and desperate.”

The rider yelled at the coyote, which was only momentarily deterred, according to Clarkson.

Clarkson added that the animal continued to follow him and his dogs, but stayed by some bushes across the street.


Seeing this, the rider escorted Clarkson part of the way on the trail, until Clarkson could report the incident to park rangers.

“I’ve never been chased by a coyote looking for a kill before,” Clarkson said.

Senior Animal Control Officer Valerie Schomburg of the Newport Beach police said that the city typically sees an increase in coyotes in the fall stemming from the birth of pups in the spring.

Although the city doesn’t trap the animals, if animal control workers hear of erratic behavior from a coyote multiple times, they involve the state Department of Fish and Game.

There have been no known attacks on people in Newport Beach, Schomburg said.

“Usually they’re startled, just like people are,” she said. “Most wild animals are going to flee rather than fight you.”

Schomburg recommended not letting dogs off their leashes and keeping pet food secured at home.

Those interested in more information on coyotes can visit

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