
Kids Talk Back

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Heather Struck

The Coastline Pilot went to the Laguna Club for Kids to ask, ‘What is

your favorite thing to do during the summer?’

“I like going bowling with my friends, my best score is 108.”

Christianne Thebaud,

Fourth grade

“I play and talk with my friends.”

Jade Copenhaver,

Fourth grade

“I love going to Bluebird Beach with my friends and talking with them

on the sand.”

Sarah Lason,

Sixth grade

“Going to Wild Rivers and riding the big waterslides.”

Dakoda Taylor,

Third grade

“I like going camping with my mom and dad, and hunting in the forest.”

Sage Richards,

First grade

“I love playing outside during the summer because the flowers are


Rian Atherton,

Second grade
