
South Coast Medical Center: A Healthy Transition

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On June 30 at midnight, Adventist Health transferred to Mission Hospital ownership of what was known as South Coast Medical Center, the community hospital we’ve been privileged to operate for the past decade. During that time dedicated physicians, employees and volunteers provided quality, compassionate care to the community we have all come to know and love.

The decision to sell the hospital was difficult and painful, but necessary if the hospital were to continue to play its essential role in the health of the community. The ensuing thoughtful and deliberative sale process successfully culminated in another faith-based, not-for-profit entity – Mission Hospital – stepping in as the hospital’s new steward, an outcome advocated by Adventist Health, the City of Laguna Beach and the community at large.

The City provided an unprecedented level of input during this process, as did neighborhood organizations and concerned community members. This sincere engagement was greatly appreciated and helped in achieving our mutual goal.


The entire transaction played out under the oversight of the California Attorney General, whose office is charged with monitoring and approving sales of non-profit hospitals. It was especially gratifying that a Health Care Impact study conducted for the Attorney General found near-unanimous community support for the sale--support which was strongly echoed at a locally-convened public hearing in April. It’s a credit to all parties that the Attorney General approved the sale with conditions to address the most significant concerns expressed by the public.

Over the years, South Coast’s physicians, nurses and staff have valued their family-like relationships with their patients, patients’ families and community members. We are pleased that many of them will be remaining with the hospital under Mission Hospital’s ownership.

This is a time of mixed emotions. We are sad to be departing the community we’ve served, but we are happy to be leaving South Coast Medical Center in the hands of Mission Hospital, a faith-based, not-for-profit provider that shares many of our values and our commitment to excellent, compassionate health care.

As we say goodbye, we thank the City of Laguna Beach; the South Coast Medical Center Foundation; our staff, physicians, nurses and volunteers; and all in the community for your past support and continued commitment. We extend our best wishes to you and to Mission Hospital for a strong, healthy future for your community hospital.

It’s been an honor to serve you.
